Otto Preminger

1932: Die Grosse Liebe.
1936: Under Your Spell.
1937: Danger—Love At Work.
1943: Um Pequeno Erro (Margin For Error).
1944: Por Enquanto, Querida (In The Meantime, Darling).
1944: Laura (Idem).
1945: Anjo Ou Demônio? (Fallen Angel).
1945: Czarina (A Royal Scandal).
1946: Noites De Verão (Centennial Summer).
1947: Entre O Amor E O Pecado (Forever Amber).
1947: Êxtase De Amor (Daisy Kenyon).
1948: A Condessa Se Rende (That Lady In Ermine). ñ-creditado
1949: O Leque De Lady Windermere (The Fan).
1949: A Ladra (Whirlpool).
1950: Passos Na Noite (Where The Sidewalk Ends).
1951: Cartas Venenosas (The 13th Letter).
1952: Alma Em Pânico (Angel Face).
1953: Ingênua Até Certo Ponto (The Moon Is Blue).
1953: Die Jungfrau Auf Dem Dach.
1954: Carmen Jones (Idem).
1954: O Rio Das Almas Perdidas (River Of No Return).
1955: A Corte Marcial De Billy Mitchell (The Court–Martial Of Billy Mitchell).
1955: O Homem Do Braço De Ouro (The Man With The Golden Arm).
1957: Santa Joana (Saint Joan).
1958: Bom Dia Tristeza (Bonjour Tristesse).
1959: Anatomia De Um Crime (Anatomy Of A Murder).
1959: Porgy & Bess (Porgy And Bess).
1960: Exodus (Idem).
1962: Tempestade Sobre Washington (Advise And Consent).
1963: O Cardeal (The Cardinal).
1965: Bunny Lake Desapareceu (Bunny Lake Is Missing).
1965: A Primeira Vitória (In Harm's Way).
1967: O Incerto Amanhã (Hurry Sundown).
1968: Skidoo Se Faz A Dois (Skidoo).
1970: Diz-Me Que Me Ama, Junie Moon (Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon).
1971: Amigos São Para Essas Coisas (Such Good Friends).
1975: Setembro Negro (Rosebud).
1979: O Fator Humano (The Human Factor).

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