William Wyler

1926: Lazy Lightning.
1926: The Stolen Ranch.
1927: Blazing Days.
1927: Shooting Straight.
1927: Hard Fists.
1927: The Border Cavalier.
1927: Desert Dust.
1928: Thunder Riders.
1928: Anybody Here Seen Kelly?
1929: Heróis Do Inferno (Hell's Heroes).
1929: O Trapaceiro (The Shakedown).
1929: The Love Trap.
1930: A Invernada (The Storm).
1931: A Casa Da Discórdia (A House Divided).
1932: Cadetes De Honra (Tom Brown Of Culver).
1933: O Conselheiro (Counsellor–At–Law).
1933: Piloto De Água Doce (Her First Mate).
1934: Fascinação (Glamour).
1935: Sua Alteza, O Garçom (The Gay Deception).
1935: A Boa Fada (The Good Fairy).
1936: Meu Filho É Meu Rival (Come And Get It _ Roaring Timber).
1936: Fogo De Outono (Dodsworth).
1936: Infâmia (These Three).
1937: Beco Sem Saída (Dead End).
1938: Jezebel (Idem).
1939: O Morro Dos Ventos Uivantes (Wuthering Heights).
1940: A Carta (The Letter).
1940: O Galante Aventureiro (The Westerner).
1941: Pérfida (The Little Foxes).
1942: Rosa De Esperança (Mrs. Miniver).
1944: The Fighting Lady. ñ–creditado
1946: Os Melhores Anos De Nossas Vidas (The Best Years Of Our Lives).
1949: Tarde Demais (The Heiress).
1951: Chaga De Fogo (Detective Story).
1952: Perdição Por Amor (Carrie).
1953: A Princesa E O Plebeu (Roman Holiday).
1955: Horas De Desespero (The Desperate Hours).
1956: Sublime Tentação (Friendly Persuasion).
1958: Da Terra Nascem Os Homens (The Big Country).
1959: Ben-Hur (Idem).
1962: Infâmia (The Children's Hour).
1965: O Colecionador (The Collector).
1966: Como Roubar Um Milhão De Dólares (How To Steal A Million).
1968: Funny Girl – A Garota Genial (Funny Girl).
1970: A Libertação De L. B. Jones (The Liberation Of L. B. Jones).

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